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The 8 Best Biceps exercises for Greater Growth | Beginner to Advance

8 Best Biceps Exercises

Bicep is that muscle which will be first noticed by any third person. Big biceps means you have done something in your gym, you have done your best in gym. The biceps is a very small muscle in your body to grow big muscle it takes a time and you to be a self-restraint in your diet. How would you grow biceps?? Protein shake ? No. You have to do a proper exercise. The biceps with a protein shake doesn't look good compared to the natural.

Training your biceps is pretty much simpler than training your legs. The curl and hammer exercise is best for growing biceps. There are lots of variations in biceps exercises, To help we have came with a best Best Biceps Exercises from beginner to advance. Select proper exercises according to your experience in gym. This list of exercises starts from beginner level to advance level.


The chin up is somehow like pull ups. the main difference is you hand position and grip. chin up is a body weight exercise which can impact on the growth of the muscle. Doing chin-up can helpful for back also specially for lats. This exercise help you to pull your body weight which much higher than weight anyone can lift with barbell curl.

Benefits Chin-Up

  • It lifts your entire body weight and help in growth 
  • It increases hand grip strength

How to do Chin-Up

Hang from a bar with palms facing you and the hands about shoulder-width apart, or slightly wider. From a dead hang, squeeze your shoulder blades together and pull your body up. In this way you have to do chin up.

Cable Curl

The cable curl is usually used for just activation muscle before bicep workout. This simply gives signal to our brain that common we have to break muscle and with proper nutrition we have to grow it. When you do a barbell curl or a dumbbell curl at one point the movement becomes hard and you can go further so you have t stop. But in cable case it keeps the tension on the muscle continuously troughout the movement, as the weight you are lifting is suspended on the other side. This adds more tension which indirectly helps in growing muscles.

Benefits Cable Curl

  • You can target biceps with various angles by using handles on machine
  • It requires less weight than any other bicep exercises to be effective on muscles.

How to do Cable Curl

Attach the desired handle to the pulley of a cable machine set to the lowest height. Grab the handle in both hands and take a few steps back so there’s constant tension on the cable . Curl the bar up to your chest and then slowly lower it back down.

Barbell Curl

The barbell curl is the most effective and common exercise of bicep. This targets the biceps and add a intense tension in order to get a great pump in your muscle. Barbell curl adds a serious size and strength in the entire muscle when done correctly. You can add more weight in order to get more tension and can curl more compare to other curl variations. 
the barbell curl plays very important role in growing biceps. It has two variations. The one is long grip and other one is close grip. Both exercises can be done in same way,but the only difference is of reps.

Benefits Barbell Curl

  • It is very easy
  • It is very effective 
  • It is very perfect for beginners
  • By doing this you can build stronger biceps quickly

How to do it Barbell Curl

Grab a barbell with an underhand grip, slightly wider than the shoulders. With the chest up and shoulder blades pulled tightly together, expose the front of your biceps by pulling the shoulders back into the socket. The elbows should reside under the shoulder joint, or slightly in front by the ribs. Curl the barbell up using the biceps

Hammer Curl

Hammer curl is very famous exercise among any gym lovers and bodybuilders. This exercise targets the brachialis and brachiordialis i.e outer bicep and forearm respectively.

The hammer curl has lifter curl dumbbells with their palms facing each other. This is a comfortable position known as neutral wrist position. It allows the lifter to jack up more weight.

Benefits Hammer curl

  • The neutral wrist position is most comfortable position.

  • You can lift more weight with hammer curl

  • It targets inner biceps as well as forearms

How to do Hammer curl

Hold a dumbbell in each hand while standing. Turn your wrists so that they’re facing each other. Keep your arms tucked in at your sides and flex your elbows to curl the dumbbells up towards your shoulders. Lower them back down with control

Incline Dumbbell Curl

Incline dumbbell curl is only for advance lifters,if you can do this in a very less time congratulations!! You are now no more a beginner. The curling form the incline takes the momentum out if the equation so that lifter cant cheat while doing set. The most important fact is curling with lengthened and extended arms crates a longer  a range of motion, and it makes the curl more effective.

Benefits Incline Dumbbell Curl

  • It eliminates momentum and gives more tension 
  • It helpful in growing bicep with a proper form.

How to do Incline Dumbbell Curl

Lay back on an incline bench, angled at about 60 degrees, with a dumbbell in each hand. Let your arms hang so they’re fully extended. Without moving your shoulders, curl the weight up to your shoulders. Hold the top of the movement for about a second, and then slowly lower the dumbbells with control.

Concentration Curl

The concentration curl is all about feel your bicep pump. This exercises can be done in the end of the bicep workout. This very effective and mainly focuses on your peak of bicep. the peak of bicep gives you arm a sexy look. This exercise you have to do with one hand at a time which means you are doing concentrated and it helps the weaker arm to catch up.
Also, the isolated curling position really lets you hone in on your biceps as you curl a light dumbbell.

Benefits Concentration Curl

  • The ability to focus more intentionally on bicep peak
  • It will let your weaker arm to become a stronger.

How to do  Concentration Curl

Sit on a bench with your feet set wide enough to allow your arm to hang in the middle, with your elbow resting on the inside of the thigh. With a dumbbell in hand, slowly curl the dumbbell upward at a controlled tempo, concentrating on contracting the biceps to move the load. At the top of the movement, flex as hard as possible, then slowly lower the load

EZ-Bar Preacher Curl

Curling on a preacher bench lengthens the exercise’s range of motion. As a result, the biceps will be under tension for a longer period of time, which usually equates to more muscle growth. Using an EZ-bar, which turns the hands inwards, makes the move more comfortable on the wrists and shifts the angle of the exercise to target different muscle fibers in the biceps.

Benefits of the EZ-Bar Preacher Curl

  • Using the preacher bench creates a longer range of motion and creates more muscular tension for more biceps growth. 
  • Using an EZ-bar is more comfortable on the wrists.

How to Do the  EZ-bar Preacher Curl

Sit down on a preacher bench and rest the back of your triceps on the pad. Set your body in the same position as the standard barbell biceps curl (chest up, shoulders back, and elbows slightly forward). Grasp the EZ-bar handle on the inner angled pieces. This will place your hands slightly narrower than shoulder-width and on a semi-supinated angle. With the body locked in place, curl the bar upwards as you flex the biceps, briefly pausing at the top of the curl to flex the biceps. Lower the weight under control.

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