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What is Data Structure


Data Structure

Before moving towards the data structure we need to understand what is data?

Data means simply the quantities, characters or symbols on which the operations are performed by computer. Which may be stored and transmitted in the form electrical signals  and recorded on magnetic,optical or mechanical recording media.


A data structure is the symmetric  way to organize data so that it can be used efficiently. The efficiently means in terms of time and space.

For example, we can store a list of items having the same data type using the array   data structure.

Lets take some real life examples,

The stack data structures are used  in implementing redo and undo feature. In stack the data is stored from top to bottom and executes  from top i.e we can access only top element. Lets gets cleared though example. We have written education quality but while writing it we miss the letter "u" in a word education by mistake . then our stack becomes this,

Now when we press ctrl + z it pops the top element from undo stack and placed into the redo stack.
when we press ctrl + y it pops the top element from the redo stack and placed into the undo stack

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