Does Masturbation Really Cause Muscle Loss?
Masturbation is the self stimulation of the genitals to achieve sexual arousal and pleasure, usually to the point of orgasm . It is a good way of relieving the sexual tension , especially for people without partners or whose partners are not willing or available for sex. It was once regarded as a perversion and a sign of a mental problem. Masturbation now is regarded as a normal, healthy sexual activity that is pleasant, fulfilling, acceptable, and safe. In general, the medical community considers masturbation to be a natural and harmless expression of sexuality for both men and women. It does not cause any physical injury or harm to the body, and can be performed in moderation throughout lifetime as a part of normal sexual behavior
Masturbation stimulates the release of endorphins and other feel-good hormones. These hormonal changes can help reduce stress and improve person's mood. People should have to make routine properly. If masturbating makes someone extremely tired, they may want to avoid it before a workout. Although masturbation has little on testosterone levels, it may still benefit a person’s workout performance.
However, there is not enough scientific research to support a direct link between masturbation and better physical performance. Scientific research proves that sexual activity may enhance people’s overall health. A recent study on adults who had experienced a heart attack suggests that those who frequently engaged in sexual activity had better long term survival rates.
Can masturbation is good for bodybuilder's?
One 2016 review looking at sexual activity and competitive sports concludes that there is not any evidence to suggest that masturbation has a direct and indirect adverse effect on overall physical fitness or sports performance in males or females. Anecdotal evidence also indicates that having sexual intercourse about 10 hours before taking part in a sports competition may have a positive effect on performance.
People is well aware about testosterone helps in building muscles. It does this by helping your muscles synthesize protein . Testosterone also increases the level of growth hormone. This hormone is released by your body as a response to exercise. Testosterone levels rise during sex and masturbation and then fall again after orgasm, so it isn’t surprising that people think it could impact their workout.
But this changes in level isn’t high enough to have a noticeable effect on any activity, let alone your time at the gym. Your testosterone levels will return to normal within minutes of sexual release.
Once a sex toy seller monitored the sexual activity of 21 male and female athletes for three weeks. This included sexual activity with a partner or by themselves. The study found that the hormones released during orgasm had several benefits that could have a positive effect on athletic performance.
Hormones released while masturbation and their effects on health
Myth about Masturbation and Muscle building Or Bodybuilding
Truth 1:
The biggest myth that worries a lot of athletes out there is that sex/masturbation lowers your testosterone levels, thus lowering your gains. But that’s not quite the case. Testosterone is an androgenic hormone that plays a crucial role in building muscle for both men and women. High levels of it can allow for more muscle protein synthesis, or muscle growth. Practicing abstinence can elevate your testosterone levels but there is no evidence that suggests it will increase your gains. And the effects of having an orgasm on testosterone levels have actually shown to be non-existent.
Basically sex and masturbation are not detrimental or helpful when it comes to moderate or intense exercise in any way. Your heart rate elevates for several hours after having an orgasm, and it can elevate even more if you work out post sex/masturbation but that’s about it. There’s no reason to limit your sexual activity while you work on building the body you want.
Truth 2:
People doing Gym usually have a concern about the link between muscle growth and Masturbation, Answer is simple, according to the science No, there is no impact until you do it 3-4 hours prior to your gym session or just after your gym workout, but if you feel something wrong it may be your diet responsible for it or it may be psychological (Many Studies have Proved it). Some masturbate twice in a weak, some seven days a weak,and some once in a month and it’s all normal and offcource you loss some micro-nutrients when you masturbate, but you can recover them very easily with your diet.
Masturbation and ejaculation do not appear to have any significant long term positive or negative effect on blood testosterone levels.There are number of studies that confirm that ejaculation has no effect on the testosterone levels. there might be some minor positive or negative effects, but they are not sufficient to make any impact on your overall progress.